
ThunderSpam's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 696 (From 95 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 10,210 Points

Cave of Wonders

Medals Earned: 7/10 (155/315 points)

Black Coffin 10 Points

Die before beating Luis.

Rude awakening 10 Points

Defeat Luis' 1st form.

Tighty whitey power 10 Points

Defeat Luis' 2nd form.

Abyss-mal 25 Points

Find the 2nd alternate ending.

Grape Crush 25 Points

Find the 1st alternate ending.

Stack the deck 25 Points

Defeat Luis' 3rd form.

Flee powder 50 Points

Escape the cave.

Lou Lou Zoom 50 Points

Beat the game in under 200 seconds.

Real Ultimate Power 100 Points

Complete all other achievements!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Charlie Sheen - Winning

Medals Earned: 4/12 (20/150 points)

Bend Over 5 Points

Die 5 Times

People Person 5 Points

Run 250 people over

Tiger Blood 5 Points

Activate Tiger Mode

Two and a Half Miles 5 Points

Travel over 2.5 miles

Terminal Velocity 5 Points

Reach a speed of over 100 miles per hour

CARnage 10 Points

Destroy 100 cars

Hot Shot 10 Points

Reach a speed of 60 miles per hour without tiger blood

Major Bender 10 Points

Travel 100 miles

My Goddesses 10 Points

Pick up 30 strippers

Winners use Drugs 10 Points

Use every type of drug in the game

Street Wall 25 Points

Crash into 10 concrete barriers

Rockstar From Mars 50 Points

Travel 200 miles


Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)

Die 100 Deaths 5 Points

Die 100 times (in a single game)

30 Down... 10 Points

Complete 30 rooms

Game Complete 25 Points

Reach the end of the game

Chibi Knight

Medals Earned: 1/8 (10/155 points)

Chibi-mage 10 Points

Get all 4 spells

Dragon-slayer 5 Points

Beat Island Beast

Furball-slayer 10 Points

Beat Canyon Beast

Demon-slayer 25 Points

Defeat Demon Beast

Speed-runner 25 Points

Beat game without getting the axe and without getting any spells

Worthy-chibi 25 Points

Defeat all 3 knights

Grinder 50 Points

Level up everything to level 8

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Ching Chong Beautiful

Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/405 points)

Ignorance Isn't Bliss 5 Points

Finish the Tutorial

Ching Champion! 25 Points

Defeat the Wicked Obstacle Course!

Long Fall 25 Points

Fall a long time for your ancestors

Long Slide 25 Points

Slide a HELLA long time!

Too Close! 25 Points

Save yourself from falling ten times

Big Baby 50 Points

Earn all Platinums on Easy

Meet the Winners 50 Points

Meet all the previous contestants

Brave as a Married Man 100 Points

Earn all Platinums on Medium

Seppuku's Soul 100 Points

Earn all Platinums on Hard

Cloud Control

Medals Earned: 2/3 (35/85 points)

Stratus 10 Points

Solve 5 puzzles.

Altocumulus 25 Points

Solve 10 puzzles.

Cirrus 50 Points

Reach the ending.

Crystal Story

Medals Earned: 3/35 (20/500 points)

Om Nom 5 Points

Feed your pet 5 food items

The King of Slime 5 Points

Defeat King Slime

Level 5 10 Points

Have one character reach level 5

Explore 7 5 Points

Explore 7 floors

Warp 7 5 Points

Discover 7 warps

Agent Defender 10 Points

Beat Zombie Defense on Hard

Armory Master 10 Points

Upgrade equipment 20 times

Be Like Paper 10 Points

Defeat Rock

Bop on the Head 10 Points

Defeat Bop

Explore 15 10 Points

Explore 15 floors

Fighting Love 10 Points

Spend 30 points on the Fighter Tech Tree

Heal Please 10 Points

Spend 30 points on the Healer Tech Tree

Hunter 10 Points

Collect 20 types of monsters in the Bestiary

Level 10 10 Points

Have one character reach level 10

Level 25 10 Points

Have one character reach level 25

Mage Mastery 10 Points

Spend 30 points on the Mage Tech Tree

Rare 10 Points

Defeat one of the three rare monsters in the game

Rich Person 10 Points

Acquire a total of 50,000 Gold

Rock and Rawr 10 Points

Defeat Rock Twice

Rogue Squadron 10 Points

Spend 30 points on the Rogue Tech Tree

Stuffed! 10 Points

Feed your pet 30 food items

Warp 15 10 Points

Discover 15 warps

Well I Didn't Vote For You 10 Points

Defeat 5 Kings in the Wanted List

What, No Gravy? 10 Points

Defeat Bop Twice

Beastmaster 25 Points

Complete the Bestiary

Expert Defense 25 Points

Beat Zombie Defense on Expert

Explore 30 25 Points

Explore 30 floors

Kingslayer 25 Points

Defeat all the Kings in the Wanted List

Level 50 25 Points

Have one character reach level 50

Missing Cat 25 Points

Complete the MISSING quest line

Slayers Dargon 25 Points

Defeat Dargon

Stolen Hearts 25 Points

Complete the STOLEN quest line

Warp 30 25 Points

Discover all warps

Ultimate Slayers Dargon 50 Points

Defeat Ultimate Dargon

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 6/16 (140/500 points)

Guardians 5 Points

Defeat the Footie Twins

Bad Transit 10 Points

Defeat TRN-1

Freeroes 25 Points

Get Secret Ending

Kaminari Ninja 25 Points

Defeat Raijinmaru

Story Normal 25 Points

Beat Story Mode on Normal or Hard

Tower Offender 50 Points

Beat Tower of Destiny on HARD

Heavy Weapons 5 Points

Defeat Battbot

Monkey Biz 5 Points

Defeat Ootkey

Patricide 25 Points

Defeat creator of Dadgame

Story Easy 25 Points

Beat Story Mode on Easy, Normal, or Hard

Story Hard 25 Points

Beat Story Mode on Hard

WSW Tribute 25 Points

Defeat Final Weapon

Cheating Death 50 Points

Defeat Mecha-Death

Debugger 50 Points

Defeat Phantom

Presto! 50 Points

Beat Boss Battles on HARD

Dadgamer 100 Points

100% Completion

Darnell's Recount

Medals Earned: 10/14 (260/415 points)

DownForwardPunch 5 Points

View the COMBOS page.

Floatin 5 Points

Master the Fire Flip.

The Election 5 Points

View the intro movie.

Evil Dead 10 Points

Get your chainsaw on!

Medication 10 Points

Drink the mystery potion.

SupaSpy 25 Points

Find all 6 secret areas.

Animal Control 50 Points

Fix the rodent problem in the Boiler Room.

Recount 50 Points

Defeat the class president.

UberPWNT 50 Points

Shut down the UberBot.

Yes We Can! 50 Points

Beat the game.

Teh Intran3tz 5 Points

Visit the links page.

Thanks... 25 Points

Light Zit Boy's Cigarette.

Toasty 25 Points

Light up 10 enemies with the FireBreath attack.

Must be the Afro. 100 Points

Beat the game without dying.

Deliver That Fulp

Medals Earned: 13/13 (155/155 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!